What is Drop Amber?

What is Drop Amber?

DROP Amber Rosary

Amber is one of nature's rare gems. Amber, which is a naturally occurring organic substance, is also frequently used in the production of ornaments, jewelry and prayer beads. Amber, one of the most valuable raw materials used in the production of rosaries, can turn into a unique piece in the hands of a good master.


It consists of resin produced by the tree. The resin acts as a defense response of the plant's immune system. When a tree is injured, such as when a branch is broken or infested by insects or fungi, it secretes a thick resin to cover the wound, trying to prevent the damage from growing. It seals and sterilizes the wound. The durable resin that finds its way through layers of sediment fossilizes and turns a hard amber color after millions of years. However, for this transformation to take place, favorable conditions must be provided.

In order for the resin to turn into amber, it must be chemically stable, resistant to sun, rain, extreme temperatures and bacteria. Another factor is the right conditions for fossilization to occur. Wet clay and sand deposits protect the resin well, as they do not contain much oxygen.

Most amber consists of resin from coniferous trees such as pine trees. However, it is estimated that most of the amber currently used is secreted from endangered trees. Because the formation process of amber is a process that takes millions of years. The oldest amber discovered dates from the Upper Carboniferous Period 320 million years ago. The youngest ambers were found to be 20 million years old.


Different colored ambers are found. Although most of it is honey-colored, it has a wide range of colors from whitish to blues, reds and even black. Amber, which is made of resin secreted from the tree bark, is more transparent, while those coming from the inside of the tree have a more cloudy appearance.


Amber can be found all over the world. Most of the world's extractable amber is found in Kaliningrad. Sometimes amber washes off the seafloor and appears on beaches. A type of amber called Dominican is a blue color and is very valuable because it is so rare.

As a result, amber is a rare and beautiful stone that takes millions of years to form. If you own any amber, you can now better appreciate the value of the stone in your hands.

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